As young students, most of us probably gorged on fish the day before an exam to build up our brain. Is that old urban legend true? And then there are the ads; where other food promoted as turning kids into young Einsteins, it’s not surprising that we can get confused about what to believe. Can certain foods really make us smarter?
Brain development, especially for the growing child, is always attributed to eating a complete and healthy diet. There is no one particular food that, if you eaten in more quantities, will instantly make you smarter.
However, fish such as tuna, sardines, mackerel and salmon are providing protection for the brain and the heart because they are especially rich in protein, essential fatty acids and other vitamins.
Fish is good for the brain. However, most scientific studies show the long-term benefits of eating fish. It’s not about snacking on tuna one time to do well on a test the next day.
Make sure your child eats a healthful and balanced diet. It is more important to meet the bodys natural nutritional requirements.
Eating smart is a major factor, but lifestyle and good health is what affects the brain performance.